Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Fullers...

We just took a trip to Portland (Jesse's hometown). It was bittersweet. The bitter part - we went to say good-bye to Jesse's mom who is moving to Minneapolis for a job. We're so proud of her but will miss having her close by. Our kids love her to bits and have enjoyed being able to see "Daddy Grandma" on a semi-regular basis. The sweet part - we got to spend some good time with family and friends including Rich and Mel and their beautiful new baby Liana. Rich also designed our logo by the way.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spring Fun

The sun was out in full force today. It always inspires me to take out my camera. Our kids had fun playing with their friends and here are some of the photos. I'm going to go enjoy some more sun with the family. Jesse is just about home and the kids are ready to get outside again.